These colonies have been collected from various locations (Emerald, Port Miami, Palm Beach Co., ?) and have been held in Baker Lab tanks. Goal here is to sample each colony in three different places, extract DNA, and run clades A-D qPCR on each sample to (1) see which symbionts are present in which colonies and (2) troubleshoot any potential issues in DNA extraction/qPCR methods.

Samples were collected from each colony using a new razor blade to extract tissue from ~1 polyp (for O. faveolata and S. siderea, and the ridge of a polyp in M. cavernosa). Tissue samples were placed in tubes containing 500 µL 1% SDS in DNAB, and heated to 65°C for 90 min. DNA was extracted following CTAB-chloroform protocol and eluted in 100 µL TE buffer (10 mM Tris and 0.1 mM EDTA).

df<- read.csv("2017-02-15-sampling.csv")
Tag.. Species No..samples.taken Date.Time Sampler
946 Ofav (franksi?) 3 2/15/17 9:00 RC
945 Ssid 3 2/15/17 9:00 RC
947 Mcav 3 2/15/17 9:00 RC
944 Mcav 3 2/15/17 9:00 RC
948 Ssid 3 2/15/17 9:00 RC
943 Ofav 3 2/15/17 9:00 RC
949 Ssid 3 2/15/17 9:00 RC
942 Ofav (franksi?) 3 2/15/17 9:00 RC
950 Ssid 3 2/15/17 9:00 RC
936 Mcav 3 2/15/17 16:00 RK
937 Mcav 3 2/15/17 16:00 RK
938 Mcav 3 2/15/17 16:00 RK
941 Ssid 3 2/15/17 16:00 RK
939 Ssid 3 2/15/17 16:00 RK
940 Ssid 3 2/15/17 16:00 RK
935 Ssid 3 2/15/17 16:00 RK
934 Ssid 3 2/15/17 16:00 RK
933 Ssid 3 2/15/17 16:00 RK
932 Mcav 3 2/15/17 16:00 RK